Global Plugin Access

Global Plugin Access

Global permissions define which Jira users can see the button to enter the plugin and the okr section on the Jira Issue form. Users without access cannot see the plugin in the navigation bar.


To enable/disable OKR board Cloud access for users you need to:

  1. Go to the Jira Cloud Settings menu.

  2. Open the Global permissions page.

  3. Find the section “Access to OKR Board“. User groups accessing the plugin are listed here.

  4. To remove a group you need to click “delete“ next to the respective group.

  5. To add another group you need to scroll down, pick the global permission, and a group.

A workaround to remove multiple groups at once on Jira Server/Data Centre:
There is an internal PUT methodhttps://%instanse_url%/rest/oboard/1.0/removeOboardPermissionFromAllGroups 
You can call it and the plugin will remove all the groups so you’d need to add required groups manually.