Access Model for Jira-Cloud

Access Model for Jira-Cloud

The OKR board plugin has multi-layer access.

To get access to the plugin content user should:

  1. Has access to the Jira instance. AND

  2. Be a part of the group with access to the plugin in global permissions AND

  3. Has access to at least one workspace

    1. When the plugin is installed, we create a “default“ workspace without access restrictions. Anyone can open this workspace and read OKRs. To restrict access just create another workspace and delete the default one.

    2. If no active default workspace exists in the plugin, then he has to be added to the workspace.

  4. OR Be a plugin administrator.

Private data not to be shared among workspaces.

  1. Objective and KR title and description.

Shared data

  1. Objectives IDs;

  2. OKR owners (plugin users);

  3. OKR group (workspace groups);

  4. Cycle names;