
Get in-app and email notifications when someone:

  • @mentions you in any OKR

  • Replies to your comment in any OKR

  • Manually updates status in OKR where you are an Owner or Stakeholder

  • Leaves a comment in OKR where you are an Owner or Stakeholder

Inbox notifications

Inbox notifications will always be turned on


Email notifications

Email notifications are enabled by default but can be turned off at any moment.

To do so:

  • Open “Settings”

  • Go to “Personal Settings”

  • Enable or disable the needed checkboxes

You can enable manual status update and regular comments notifications separately for OKRs where you are an Owner or Stakeholder.

Notifications for @mentions and reply will be sent out immediately.
Notifications for manual status update and comment will be delayed by 10 minutes and sent in a summary email.