How do I run an OKR check-in?

How do I run an OKR check-in?

Check-ins can be made weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on your organization's needs and the pace of your projects.

For this purpose, we can use the Comment section under each OKR.

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At the scheduled time, the OKR owner or team lead can initiate the check-in by posting a comment in the dedicated space.
The comment should include at least the following elements:

  • The progress made since the last check-in.

  • Any challenges or obstacles encountered.

  • Next steps and actions planned.

For example:

  • Key Result: Increase website traffic by 20%

    • Progress: We've seen a 5% increase in traffic since the last check-in.

    • Challenges: The recent Google algorithm update affected our rankings.

    • Next steps: We'll optimize our content for the new algorithm and increase our social media marketing efforts.


You can also use the @Mention feature to notify your team members within the comment.

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To foster collaboration, you can encourage team members to respond to the check-in with updates, insights, and suggestions, making everyone informed and engaged.
As the comment thread grows over time, it becomes a valuable record of the progress of the OKR.


Overall, using comments for OKR check-ins is a convenient way to maintain transparency, alignment, and engagement within your organization.

It provides a structured and documented way to track progress and make informed decisions to achieve your objectives.

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