OKR Status allows you to determine your current progress with a particular OKR.
There are currently six statuses available:




Only Auto

Status is set automatically once you create an OKR
Once the grade is updated the status will automatically change

Only Manual

Abandoned OKRs, blocks the edit (see the table below)

Only Manual

Complete OKRs, blocks the edit (see the table below)


Auto grade is determined based on the current Grade and how much time passed since the start of an Interval


Auto grade is determined based on the current Grade and how much time passed since the start of an Interval


Auto grade is determined based on the current Grade and how much time passed since the start of an Interval

status 1-20240213-102320.png

If you decide to Abandone or Close your OKR, you can also leave a comment explaining the reason behind your action.

status 3-20240213-095822.png

The table lists all actions available with an OKR depending on its Status.


Edit an element



(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Add parent element



(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Add nested element



(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Link/Unlink Jira issue



(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Duplicate an element

(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Move an element



(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Delete an element

(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

Add/Edit/Delete comments



(blue star)

(blue star)

(blue star)

How do you rename your Statuses?

You can rename all currently available Statuses.
It can be done from the separate settings page called “Statuses.”

CleanShot 2024-03-26 at 17.37.15-20240326-153715.png

On the same can now also change your Status thresholds (Cloud version).